Sustaining high performance

Humanity and harmony – Dale Chihuly, Fiori di Como ceiling sculpture, Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, US, 1998.

Windows into leadership agility and resilience in a hybrid world

High performance athletes and performing artists never stop stretching and growing. Leaders benefit from the same ethic of lifelong learning.

Our range of Masterclasses can be stand-alone or integrated into in-house leadership initiatives and programmes.

Leadership agility

Leadership Agility is no longer a nice-to-have; it has become a focus for organisations, accelerated by the pandemic and the socio-political challenges today. It can be confused with acting in absence of frameworks, or just at greater speed. In fact, it is a well-studied way of leading that is essential for our times. The question is ‘How exactly do I build my capabilities to lead with agility?’ Based on years of working with leaders on three continents, Nancy has identified seven pathways to building the capacities that are required to lead with agility and experience the impact you can have on your organisation.


This Masterclass explores the science and evidence around developing and sustaining resilience by taking a consciously human-centred approach to leadership.

As workplaces are increasingly a blend of in-person and virtual, leaders face a new set of challenges. It is also an opportunity to carry forward improvements in productivity experienced during the pandemic, especially in knowledge-based industries.

Understand why human-centred resilience matters and how to sustain it in practical ways. Learn to operate from a creative mindset, leaders explore and integrate new and different ways of leading and interacting that are effective in our blended, hybrid world as well as adopt practices that build resilience in today’s environment.

Fit to thrive as a human-centred leader

The pandemic, with all its trials, acted as a catalyst to think again about leadership. We have challenged past assumptions and shifted to a new definition and approach. One that harnesses the power of multi-cultural, multi-generational and increasingly diverse workforces and workplaces, where humanity is intrinsic to leadership.

This interactive Masterclass is about future thinking and future leaders. It distils knowledge, research and experience about human-centred leadership into practical steps that lead to responsible and sustainable high performance.

Using recent leadership research and trends, this Masterclass explores in a highly engaging way how leaders can rediscover the innate abilities they have as human beings, and how these can become integral to making the shift to the leadership called for by our times: leadership with a human edge.

Nancy Glynn has been a pioneer in leadership with a human edge for several years. She recently co-authored a report published by Institute of Coaching, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, titled Leading with Humanity: The Future of Leadership and Coaching. The authors interviewed executives during the pandemic, identified themes and contextualised findings with relevant theoretical and empirical literature.

Mindfulness and peak performance

Increase your ability to act from choice rather than habit. Find out why more and more leaders are integrating Mindfulness into their routines as a key to thriving rather than surviving.

Mindfulness – being present to what is going on in the here and now, on purpose and with curiosity – has moved into the mainstream as a critical leadership practice. This Masterclass offers insights and practical strategies for working and leading more mindfully, resulting in better decisions and more productive relationships, while building leadership agility and resilience. Once leaders understand the multiple, even mission-critical benefits of a contemplative practice of some kind, they learn to build and integrate the approaches that work best for them.

Nancy is a qualified Mindfulness Teacher (MBSR), through the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare and Society, University of Massachusetts, USA.

Flourishing programme

Initially designed for a humanitarian organisation, participants in the Flourishing programme build and adopt mindsets, practices, and ways of working that lead to increased and more sustainable effectiveness. Working for a humanitarian organisation creates added pressure given the very real impact on people’s lives. This makes it especially difficult to have essential downtime.

The programme is valuable for any kind of organisation where you seek high levels of effectiveness with an increased sense of wellbeing, knowing that this is critical to be sustainable.

Comprised of 6–8 Masterclasses (over a period of 3–6 months), the programme is delivered to groups in real time using a video platform, and as such is very accessible.

Dale Chihuly. Ethereal White Persian Pond, blown glass, 2018, installation in the Waterlily House. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London 2019.

Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness is a key leadership practice. Listen now.